Hire Me

Need a SaaS freelance writer with 10 years experience in digital marketing for your blog or a copywriter for your marketing content?

If you need help getting new users to your SaaS product, tool or service and ease those content bottlenecks, transform your ideas into compelling stories or simply a knowledgeable writer that can bridge internal expertise gaps, I’m that freelance SaaS writer for you!

As a freelance writer for SaaS, I help businesses with my digital marketing writing and work closely with social media management, analytical/SEO, email management, productivity and content writing companies where I treat your content like my own.

 I specialize in writing that’s:

  • Long-form: My blog post SaaS writing gets your business more traffic, increase search engine visibility and boost your conversion rate
  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO) and Social Media Optimized (SMO) editorial content so that Google pays attention to your site, and your content is on your audience’s radar
  • Product-led content that weaves in your product tastefully and conversationally as a B2B freelance SaaS content writer
  • For email sequences & powerful funnels that get read, convert and retain your customers

My colorful SaaS content writing is used as a lead generation tool to help your business:

  • Attract new users to your tool or service
  • Reach your intended audience through social media sharing, organic or paid traffic
  • Grow your email subscribers
  • Boost new business leads (new sign-ups to free trials or new ambassadors that share your product on social media)
  • Help gain more conversions with your B2b content that’s ToFu and BoFu optimized

Hire me as your freelance writer for SaaS to produce quality content that’s highly engaging with proven SEO content results

As a renowned freelance SaaS writer, SEO marketing writer and eCommerce writer I create compelling content for highly popular brands. Check out my writing samples from GoDaddy, Zapier, Wordtune, Blogging Wizard, Walmart, SmartBlogger, and Optinmonster.

I’ve also been listed as one of the top 25 online content writers in the world alongside Darren Rowse, Jeff Goins and Jeff Bullas.

I’ve built my community of freelancers to over 20,000 email subscribers, 18k Youtube subscribers, and over 3k freelance writing course students.

If your job description wants a B2B writer with skills in keyword research, content strategy, inbound marketing, social media and digital marketing to reach potential customers, I’m your gal.

My expert knowledge and specializations include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media (TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • WordPress
  • Digital products (eCommerce)
  • Inbound marketing
  • Content marketing and blogging

My writing research process for a content piece can include (but isn’t limited to):

  • Internal linking to help readers find related content that nudges them closer to a purchase or sign up
  • Keyword research using Ahrefs (I purposely don’t look at the top posts to regurgitate what has already been said)
  • Fill in the gap content. What has your keyword topic not revealed? Using personal experience, Marketmuse, industry newsletters, academic studies, and scouting on social chatter I find those nuggets of key information to add to your content
  • I can create videos of your product for your content strategy
  • Expert outreach (I use my network to call on experts and thought leaders in your space)
  • Personal experience as a content strategist and digital marketer

What I Specialize In (Writing Services)

SaaS Copywriting – need converting copy for your SaaS company website? I write engaging and converting copy for your SaaS brand. Whether it’s a sales page, service page, about page or shop page, I can turn your bland copy into persuasive copy that converts.

Email Welcome Series – Content creation for you! A welcome series email gets a whopping 91% open rate. The most effective emails for conversions are the welcome series and retention emails for the eCommerce industry. As an email copywriter, I can write a 3-day or 5-day welcome series to nurture your leads into a sale.

Here are some of my newsletter open and click-through rates.

SaaS SEO Blog writing – you know that task you hate to do? Content creation. Well, I love it. As a content writer for SaaS, blogging is my thing. I blog on my blog, blog on other people’s blog and will blog on your blog too. And I can turn your blog posts into a strong marketing tool too with product-led content that will rank.

Here is how I fill out a SERPs page on Google.

AI optimized writing – The SaaS industry has seen incredible growth in AI tool adaption. I have a niche website where I mostly use AI writing tools like Jasper AI or ChatGPT to help me create rankable website content. I have also optimized AI content for GoDaddy and other clients. I created a framework for AI content by cutting unnecessary words, shortening longer sentences and formatting sentences for maximum engagement.

First Hand Experience in Digital Marketing

As a content marketer, I’ve built a million-dollar digital product business and have used my knowledge in digital marketing to attract the right customers.

My course sales

My tools: email marketing to create highly-deep funnels, Youtube as a lead generator, Instagram to share my knowledge and connect with my peeps, TikTok for experimental purposes and my blog for SEO experience.

My writing has been shared thousands of times, every client I work for is more than ecstatic with my writing ability and I’ve built ambassadors that simply love what I do online and have no problem telling others about it.